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Brant Synchro Club looking for 2016/2017 coaches.

The Brant Sysnchro Club is currently looking to hire coaches for the 2016/2017 season. If you have expierience with synchronized swimming and or coaching synchronized swimming. Please contact us at:



Lisa Link

Club President


Samantha Giggs



Brant Synchro Head Coach

The Coaching Staff



Number of years coaching: I began my coaching career in 1986 volunteering with Recreational level athletes. In 1990 I started working with athletes training at a competitive level. I became the Head Coach of the Brant Synchro Club in 1996 and remained in that position until 2002 when I married and left the Brant community. It was then I did some coaching with the Burlington Synchronized Swimming Club. After starting a family in 2004 I took a break from coaching. I did return for a short time to coach Masters and assist as needed. I am very excited to return to the Brant Synchro Club as Head Coach this season after transitioning out of the President role this past season.

Teams Previously Coached: My experience as a coach includes working for the Brant Synchro Club, Burlington Synchronized Swimming Club and athletes attending the W Ross MacDonald School for the Blind.

Number of years as a Synchronized Swimmer: I had the opportunity to swim 10 years competitively with the Brant Synchro Club competing in team, duet and solo events.

Memorable Moment as a Swimmer: The year the Brant Synchro Club hosted the Ontario Age Group Championships and the achievement of winning the bronze medal in figures and also placing in both team and duet while in our home pool!

Memorable Moment as a Coach: There are just too many to choose from. I have had the opportunity to interact with some amazing people over the years.  This sport has the potential to foster some life long relationships!  I still look forward to the Christmas season when I open cards and get updates from families, some of whom I haven't seen in over 10 years.  That is when you feel the impact you had in the life of one of your athletes.

What I bring to the sport and the club: There is a lot of history with our little family and I am so looking forward to having the opportunity to work with the talented coaches and athletes of the Brant Synchro Club. I feel my strength is not only my passion for the sport but the commitment i give to each of the athletes I work with. I coach with a "firm but fair" philosophy. I am a firm believer that with hard work, perseverance and commitment we all can reach our full potential. - "Everything starts with a belief"

Meghan Rickwood

I swam for 7 years at Brant. This is my fifth season coaching! I've coached Aqua Squirts, Rec, and 10&U competitive. This season I am coaching the Rec team. I am working to complete my coaching levels and am currently “Competition Introduction Trained”.

Synchro means to me: dedication, passion, teamwork, and family :)

Cara Duncan

Recreational Coach

Celia Mackenzie


11-12 Competitive Coach

Laura Halabeckii

This club has been a big part of my life. I started at Brant as a swimmer, and ended up swimming 9 years competitively plus a year of Masters synchro. I then became a coach, and just celebrated my 10th season. I am a certified level 3 coach. My repertoire includes coaching a duet, solo, and many teams at the recreational, provincial, and national levels. To me, synchro is more than just a sport. I have made countless friendships over the years, and am always amazed at the strong connections former swimmers and coaches hold with one another. Through synchro, girls are transformed into amazing athletes. My involvement with synchro has bled into every facet of my life, giving me better social skills, confidence, and a true love of teaching. I simply could not imagine my life without it.

Hanna Smids

Recreational Coach

Cassandra Fraser

10- Under Competitive Coach

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